Letters to the Prison - Week 161

Hello, everyone.  We’re continuing our study of John.  Last week, Jesus spoke some profoundly encouraging words to his disciples… and to us:  He goes to prepare a place in heaven for us to dwell with him forever and he will return for us.  As if these promises aren’t enough, Jesus is not done.  To continue, look what he says next:
  • "And you know the way to where I am going.”-John 14:4

The disciples continue to be confused:
  • Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” -John 14:5

Jesus, recognizing his disciples’ confusion, seems to be setting the conversation up for perhaps one of the most profound things he ever says about himself… and us:
  • Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”-John 14:6-7

We need to sit with these verses for a little while.  Consider what Jesus is declaring here.  With no fanfare, no “truly truly” emphasis, and no hesitation, Jesus claims:
  • That those who see Jesus and know him have seen and known God
    • Therefore, Jesus is God
    • As such, Jesus defines and controls exclusive access to God the Father
  • That Jesus is author of ultimate truth
  • That Jesus is the provider of eternal life
  • That his way is the only path to truth, God, and life.

Even the way Jesus begins the statement (“I am”) is typical of the way God introduces and describes himself.  Jesus is so comfortable with these massive truths that he almost casually presumes his own deity.  And rightfully so.  We might wonder whether his disciples are equally casual and comfortable about Jesus’ claims, since these profound realities appear to go right over their heads without them even pausing to consider them:
  • Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”  -John 14:8

Something is clearly lacking.  How can the disciples not be grasping what Jesus is clearly saying?  It seems so clear to us now.  What’s the difference?  Certainly, for one thing, we have the advantage of hindsight… looking back at what Jesus did at the cross and, even more amazingly, what he did in the grave three days later.  Here in the conversation at hand, however, the event of Jesus’ crucifixion was still hours ahead in the future… and no one except Jesus knows what’s about to happen.  We also have a couple thousand years’ worth of study and reflection at our disposal to understand what’s happening.  But there is yet something else that the disciples lack.  They need help to understand what Jesus is saying.  And Jesus has a lot to say about that help… where it comes from and what it will do.  We’ll begin to see it next week!

Dean A.



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