Letters to the Prison - Week 155

Hello, everyone.  Last week, after predicting his own imminent betrayal, Jesus makes a profound claim about himself (and us!) in his 19th “truly, truly” statement:
  • Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”-John 13:20

Jesus claims the authority to send and to have been sent himself.  Friends, this might be the most concise description of the profound reality of the Christian’s existence to be found anywhere in Scripture.  Jesus will expound on this reality in the coming chapters, as we will see.  Elsewhere, other writers attempt to describe this reality also.  It is a mind-blowing relationship.  There is a oneness presumed in this statement consisting of Jesus, those whom he sends, and the One who has sent him –God the Father.  So, for those of us who believe that Jesus is who he says he is –and, therefore, who has sent him—the question we should be asking ourselves is:  Do we really believe that we are that closely connected to the God of the universe?  And, if so, how does that belief affect our moment-by-moment decisions and attitudes?  If we could just keep this truth firmly fixed before us at all times, we would have a completely different experience of life.

Even more profound:  Consider the authority and power implicit in this reality.  If Jesus --having been sent by God—is, in turn, sending others…  he is then granting those whom he is sending power and authority to accomplish what he has sent them to do.  We see this evident in many places including the stunning events recorded in Acts.  This truth is at once empowering and encouraging for those who believe.  What a vast resource is available to those who seek to follow Jesus!  Nevertheless, this power and authority is always and entirely subject to Jesus and his will.  Jesus just said this very thing four verses ago with his 18th “truly truly” statement: “A servant is not greater than his master” (John 13:16).  So, another major question we Christians should be asking ourselves is: Are we seeking Jesus for what we need moment by moment?  Another key question:  Are we subjecting whatever Jesus provides –our power, authority and resources-- to him and his word?

This is important because we must also remember the wording here…  we are to receive those whom Jesus sends.  Yes, we have a power and authority –granted by and subject entirely to Jesus.  So does every other Christian.  Further, Jesus is not commanding us to wield that power and authority recklessly over one another.  He’s commanding us to receive the ones he’s sent.  This implies relationship and community with other believers.  Even more importantly, within the context of those relationships, it implies humility and hospitality… laying aside our position and power… listening to one another… caring for one another… meeting each other’s needs… forbearing with one another…in short, washing one another’s feet –just as Jesus has done.

On the heels of this, as if it wasn’t enough to occupy our thoughts for the rest of our lives, John records yet another “truly truly” statement… the 20th one.  We’ve seen three now in the last 5 verses.  This one is no less stunning:
  • After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”-John 13:21

We’ll consider this next week.  We love you!

Dean A.



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