Letters to the Prison - Week 109

Hello, everyone.  We miss you.  We are grateful for your prayers.  Continuing our study of John 10, Jesus is about to make an astonishing claim about himself.  But before we look at it, let’s look back briefly at last week’s verse:
•And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. -John10:16
One flock under One Shepherd --our Great God and Savior Jesus, The Christ.  What this means is that Christians are all under the guidance and authority of Jesus regardless of our location, race, age, sex, social status, denomination, nationality, wealth, or any other distinguishing feature.  Therefore, we need to love and respect one another.  We who are called out by Jesus and recognize his voice and obey him are part of his flock.  We are subject to him, and we belong to him.  He owns us.  He paid for us by laying down his life in obedience to the Father:
•For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. -John 10:17
God The Father loves Jesus because he obediently and sacrificially lays down his life.
Now let’s not skim over the last few words of that verse…  Jesus is talking about his own life… about laying it down and taking it up again…  and he has more to say:
•No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.-John 10:18a
If we’re not sitting in stunned silence with our mouths hanging open after reading these words, maybe we need to read them again.  There’s nothing mysterious about them.  There’s no way to understand them any differently.  Jesus is making himself plainly clear.  It’s easy to understand.
Nevertheless, friends, of all the claims Jesus makes, this might be the most amazing one ever.  
And he makes good on it.  
In fact, Jesus is already demonstrating --as he stands there, in Jerusalem, in the presence of the Pharisees who want him dead and are actively conspiring to have him arrested and murdered (John 7:30, 45-46; 9:40)—that no one will lay a hand on Jesus until the appointed time.
As we approach Easter, let us joyfully remember this most astounding claim that Jesus makes about his authority over even his own life… and proves it himself by rising from the dead in fulfillment of the Scriptures after allowing himself to be crucified (Matthew 26:52-54).
Jesus says one more thing:
•This charge I have received from my Father.-John 10:18b
We’ll look at this next week.  Until then, consider:  Is Jesus who he says he is?  We love you!

Dean A.



A Day of Celebration?Letters to the Prison - Week 25Letters to the Prison - Week 26Letters to the Prison - Week 27Letters to the Prison - Week 28Letters to the Prison - Week 29Letters to the Prison - Week 30Letters to the Prison - Week 31Letters to the Prison - Week 32Letters to the Prison - Week 33Letters to the Prison - Week 34Letters to the Prison - Week 35Letters to the Prison - Week 36Letters to the Prison - Week 37Letters to the Prison - Week 38Letters to the Prison - Week 39Letters to the Prison - Week 40Letters to the Prison - Week 41Letters to the Prison - Week 44Letters to the Prison - Week 45Letters to the Prison - Week 46Letters to the Prison - Week 47Letters to the Prison - Week 48Letters to the Prison - Week 49Letters to the Prison - Week 50Letters to the Prison - Week 51Letters to the Prison - Week 52Letters to the Prison - Week 53Letters to the Prison - Week 54Letters to the Prison - Week 55Letters to the Prison - Week 56Letters to the Prison - Week 57Letters to the Prison - Week 58Letters to the Prison - Week 59Letters to the Prison - Week 60Letters to the Prison - Week 61Letters to the Prison - Week 62Letters to the Prison - Week 63Letters to the Prison - Week 64Letters to the Prison - Week 65Letters to the Prison - Week 66Letters to the Prison - Week 67Letters to the Prison - Week 68Letters to the Prison - Week 69Letters to the Prison - Week 70Letters to the Prison - Week 71Letters to the Prison - Week 72Letters to the Prison - Week 73Letters to the Prison - Week 74Letters to the Prison - Week 75Letters to the Prison - Week 76Letters to the Prison - Week 77Letters to the Prison - Week 78Letters to the Prison - Week 79Letters to the Prison - Week 80Letters to the Prison - Week 81Letters to the Prison - Week 82Letters to the Prison - Week 83Letters to the Prison - Week 84Letters to the Prison - Week 86Letters to the Prison - Week 87Letters to the Prison - Week 88Letters to the Prison - Week 89

