Merry Christmas - 2022

Another year has just about come and gone. We've weathered some storms as a nation and world. I hope this holiday season is full of joy and celebration for you and your family.

As I reflect on this year, I am again reminded of what a great community FBC is. Your love and impact on our local community continue to encourage the leadership and me at FBC. May we always remember that it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that we are able to do what we do.

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you." - John 14:26

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth..." - John 16:13

Advent has reminded us that we wait for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Only through Him can we truly experience true peace in our lives. I pray for opportunities for this church family to share the peace of Jesus with your family and the greater community. May we be marked as a people of genuine peace and hope. May our love and joy for life spill into our places of work, our families, and our circle of friends.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10

We are moving into 2023 with some momentum and in a position to do more as a church. Be thinking about who you want to share the Good News with this coming year, and maybe plan to invite them into FBC to hear and experience the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We certainly don't want to be the "best-kept secret" in town. We want our community to know about the good things God is doing right in our midst.

I look forward to seeing what our family accomplishes for God's Kingdom as we move into the future.

Blessings to you all, and may your Christmas be full of wonder and joy!

Pastor Nick



A Day of Celebration?Letters to the Prison - Week 25Letters to the Prison - Week 26Letters to the Prison - Week 27Letters to the Prison - Week 28Letters to the Prison - Week 29Letters to the Prison - Week 30Letters to the Prison - Week 31Letters to the Prison - Week 32Letters to the Prison - Week 33Letters to the Prison - Week 34Letters to the Prison - Week 35Letters to the Prison - Week 36Letters to the Prison - Week 37Letters to the Prison - Week 38Letters to the Prison - Week 39Letters to the Prison - Week 40Letters to the Prison - Week 41Letters to the Prison - Week 44Letters to the Prison - Week 45Letters to the Prison - Week 46Letters to the Prison - Week 47Letters to the Prison - Week 48Letters to the Prison - Week 49Letters to the Prison - Week 50Letters to the Prison - Week 51Letters to the Prison - Week 52Letters to the Prison - Week 53Letters to the Prison - Week 54Letters to the Prison - Week 55Letters to the Prison - Week 56Letters to the Prison - Week 57Letters to the Prison - Week 58Letters to the Prison - Week 59Letters to the Prison - Week 60Letters to the Prison - Week 61Letters to the Prison - Week 62Letters to the Prison - Week 63Letters to the Prison - Week 64Letters to the Prison - Week 65Letters to the Prison - Week 66Letters to the Prison - Week 67Letters to the Prison - Week 68Letters to the Prison - Week 69Letters to the Prison - Week 70Letters to the Prison - Week 71Letters to the Prison - Week 72Letters to the Prison - Week 73Letters to the Prison - Week 74Letters to the Prison - Week 75Letters to the Prison - Week 76Letters to the Prison - Week 77Letters to the Prison - Week 78Letters to the Prison - Week 79Letters to the Prison - Week 80Letters to the Prison - Week 81Letters to the Prison - Week 82Letters to the Prison - Week 83Letters to the Prison - Week 84Letters to the Prison - Week 86Letters to the Prison - Week 87Letters to the Prison - Week 88Letters to the Prison - Week 89

