Faith Bible Church

"The community you have been looking for."

Our communities help us find belonging, bring encouragement, define purpose, and, most importantly, provide a family to rally around us during each season of life. Help us build that kind of community!
We do this by loving one another in truth, encouraging one another to deeper growth by following the example of Jesus, and then serving others as an outpouring of the hope that we have found in Jesus.

At Faith Bible Church we seek to be an Emotionally Healthy Church which will affect all areas of our lives. Our spiritual connection with God and each other, our community relationship with our church and others, and how we look at our past and change our future.

Sunday Service Time


Mission Discovery Kids opens at 9:30am

Come for the community, and experience joy in life!

"...people who attended weekly religious services or practiced daily prayer or meditation in their youth reported greater life satisfaction and positivity in their 20s..."
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - Research Study

What people like you are saying about FBC
"Whenever I'm visiting my son & daughter-in-law and family this is where I go with them.  I appreciate the good expository preaching and the music."

"Great community church that loves Jesus. If you're looking for a church with a great outreach program, involved with world wide missions look no further."

"The fellowship here is so comforting.  A place to get close to Jesus."

"This is a good church full of good people."

Church Online

This is a space to be the church even when you can't be present with the church. At FBC we firmly believe that we get the full discipleship experience by living life with one another. We also understand that is not always possible in this busy world that we live in. And that is ok. Please feel free to join in whatever way you are able. Our encouragement would be that if you can't be with us on Sunday, that you look to join an FBC Group to stay fully connected.

Latest Messages

At FBC we value walking through the Bible as a community. Staying true to what has been recorded about our faith in Jesus, living a full life through the power of the Holy Spirit, and looking forward to the glorious renewal that God has in store is very important for us as a church. We seek to apply what is written in Scripture, adding nothing to it and taking nothing away.

"A conservative reading of Scripture should lead us to live a life overflowing with liberal grace and love." - Pastor Nick DeYoung

We invite you to catch up on the latest message. Sermons at FBC are built on the hope and truth that Jesus has provided, as well as a connection to how we approach the Bible and apply it to our lives.

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Staying Connected

Whether through social media or our custom app, you are going to find a way to stay connected the the people and activities at FBC. Downloading the app is the absolute best way to find out what is going on, take the next step, and begin to build relationships with people in the church.

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We invite you to join in...

Worship Gatherings
Worship gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. We also gather in similar age groups and stages of life to grow together.
Get Involved
A growing disciple is an engaged disciple. Take the next step in your journey and get involved in one of the many FBC ministry opportunities. Discipleship, kids ministry, missions, etc.
Support the Work
Faith Bible Church exists to equip Christ's church to impact our communities. Help move the FBC mission forward through giving. We thank you for your help in partnering with us to accomplish this mission.